Google Search Leak

SEOs are kids in a candy store over the Google search ranking factor algo leak that was publicized last month by Rand, Mike King via an entrepreneurial SEO that was smart enough to realize what he discovered and upright enough that he spread the info.

To get the info from those who worked hard on this, google “Sparktoro google leak” and “ipullrank google leak”

In a nutshell, the leak contains the factors that ultimately matter for ranking content in Google properties: search, YouTube, maps etc.

Google can and will make changes to their algo and will almost certainly go underground with this information, but for a moment in time we have a snapshot that commands some changes in our current content marketing & SEO efforts and our strategies and tactics going forward. So what changes am I thinking about?

Driving Traffic to Rank

Out: Content designed to rank on Google to drive traffic to your brand

In: Driving Google searches for your brand

Clicks Tell a Story

Out: keeping users on a page (think cooking recipes that include a lot of fluff)

In: paying attention to what happens after a click on your website. Do they go back to Google for the same search? That tells google that they’re not satisfied.

Unique Branding

Out: ranking for search using high traffic keywords (x town’s best plumber)

In: associating your unique terms with high traffic keywords (plungetastic, x town’s best plumber) and staying consistent with how you talk about your brand.

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